TSKmount-Fuse logo
Build Package
To build a binary Debian package, type the following commands:
tar -xzf tskmount-fuse-0.03.tar.gz cd tskmount-fuse-0.03 dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
To build a binary RPM package, just type:
rpm -tb --clean tskmount-fuse-0.03.tar.gz
   You can also use:
rpmbuild -tb --clean tskmount-fuse-0.03.tar.gz
Tips & Tricks
You can contact me by mail at
     Jean Diraison <jean.diraison@ac-versailles.fr> , <jean.diraison@ac-rennes.fr>.

GnuPG public key pubkey.gpg
Fingerprint: C920 3153 BFEC 6622 4094 EAB6 685A 2890 49D7 15DC